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为了继续为工程师提供实现USB到嵌入式系统的全面支持,我们很高兴地宣布FT260系列新的HID类的USB转UART、I2C主设备芯片和两个新的模块。 UMFT3A程序模块是专门设计用于与该公司的硬件开发和集成电路包含的一次性可编程(OTP)内部存储器或完美的逻辑(这两者都是用来存储USB供应商ID,产品ID产品说明资料等), 即FT260和FT4222H产品,UMFT260EV1A模块是一个结构简洁,易于利用的FT260系列,提供工程师宝贵的资源用于添加连接人机界面和其他计算机外设开发模块。 此外,FT260s延伸该系列产品,包括一个28引脚TSSOP封装版本的芯片将使它更方便取放程序。

请点击 此处 FT260S 芯片的更多信息,并点击此处查看 模块。新闻稿可以在 这里找到。



CleO 用户指南,软件支持和技术论坛现已上市!

FTDI芯片很高兴地宣布首次发布的一些支持和软件为我们的新的CleO 模块材料,包括一个专门的技术支持网站。 在 CleOstuff.com,您可以访问所有你需要开始使用 CleO资源。  这包括软件包和一份帮助手册,它提供了一套完整的教程,项目和例子。 另外,这是我们鼓励CleO 用户在我们的论坛进行沟通和分享想法,- 通过 此处注册。 我们将定期对该系列的网站进行更新:添加关于产品发布日期, 额外的产品发布的信息,以及进一步的软件支持材料,让它成为可用的资源。




为工程师提供更为广泛的IO选项和解决节省电路板面积需求,FTDI宣布新版本广受欢迎的FT4232H和FT2232H设备。 这些可配置USB2.0高速(支持480Mbit/s运行)的芯片现在提供56引脚QFN封装,补充64引脚LQFP封装格式。 因此,他们现在更易于布局和布线的印刷线路板,以及作为更适合于空间受限的电子设计。




CleO 给市场带来了家庭智能化,程序简单的TFT显示屏,工程师可以发挥想象力,开发引人注目的人机界面,无论他们的经验水平。 使用Arduino为基础,CleO能够利用FTDI的高速桥接和显示技术,改进的性能和更强大的功能,可以从中受益。 此外,一些配件,包括相机,扬声器和电源适配器将在2016年5月产品可完全提供使用。
A 新闻稿可以在 这里找到。



新的FT260全速HID类的USB转UART、I2C 主桥芯片现已上市

FTDI很高兴地宣布推出第一个专用USB HID类设备芯片 - FT260。 通过使用标准的USB HID类驱动程序的优点,将已经安装在大多数操作系统(我们的其他设备厂商类),该设备提供了一个理想的,快速实现USB和UART之间的桥梁或I2C外设。 小型28引脚QFN封装提供完美的桥接到你的传感器或人机接口外围应用。 I2C 操作模式还支持通过微软在Windows8中定义的HID穿过I2C协议。 对于完整的新闻稿,请点击 这里


继之前的NerO的集资项目成功,FTDI刚刚宣布新的Arduino相关产品,它再次使用Indiegogo推广到全球工程界。 CleO 的目的是给市场带来家庭智能化,程序简单的TFT显示屏,工程师可以发挥想象力,,开发引人注目的人机界面,无论他们的经验水平。 使用Arduino为基础,此硬件能够利用FTDI的高速桥接和显示技术,改进的性能和更强大的功能,可以从中受益。 请点击这里查看 英文德文中文的新闻稿。



新的FT51A 8位单片机集成USB集线器端口现已上市

FTDI很高兴地宣布推出其FT51A 系列 结合芯片和相应的开发模块,现在正式批量生产。 根据行业标准8051兼容处理器核心的FT51A带来增强的IO桥接8位单片机技术与集成的USB设备和集线器端口功能,非常适合通过USB级联分布式计算任务。 其他IO的包括UART,SPI,UART,SPI,I2C,ADC和PWM适合与16K字节内部程序闪存和8KB的数据内存来存储和运行应用程序所支持的数据采集和控制应用。 请点击这里 查看新闻稿。



FTDI于12月10日启动Kickstarts集资项目 - NerO

FTDI一直寻找富有想象力的方式来解决当今电子工程问题。 现在它还在尝试如何带来新的解决方案推向市场,随着在KickStarter介紹的最新的产品NerO问世. NerO 的目的是处理广泛使用的Arduino Uno R3的根本缺陷,利用众筹平台,让社区的工程从一开始就参与。 请点击这里 查看新闻稿。



使用新的FT90x 32位MCU系列终极桥接解决方案

FTDI很高兴地推出宣布FT90x系列,结合芯片和相应的开发模块,现在正式批量生产。 基于新的高性能32位RISC内核 - FT32,FT90x提供多种连接和配置的桥接方案,包括10/100以太网(芯片PHY), 高速USB接口、摄像头接口、CAN、I2S与其他端口,使得它适用于高速、先进的技术桥接解决方案的理想选择。 FT90x通过从阴影内存执行指令可以在真正的零等待状态的操作(0ws)高达100MHz的310 DMIPS性能。 除了一系列的芯片和一些发展模块可供选择:MM900EVxA系列提供全硬件功能支持FT90x处理器用于在各种形式因素。 除此以外,UMFTPD2A调试器/编程模块之间提供USB桥接在FT90x的Eclipse IDE开发工具运行在PC和FT90x的1线调试引脚上。 请点击这里查看英文德文中文的新闻稿。



介绍下一代EVE产品 - FT81x!

FT81x系列 - FTDI 高度重视的嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)产品组合是为实现先进的人机界面(HMI),进一步加强一系列新的芯片和相应的模块。 这些新的EVE设备,比前一代产品支持较高的最大屏幕分辨率 - 从FT80x系列的512×512像素,提升显示高达800×600像素,以解决使用大尺寸显示器(7英寸以上)使用在销售时点情报系统(POS),信息亭等。 现已开始完全批量生产,FT810,FT811,FT812和FT813芯片提供增加像素分辨率带来更清晰的图像,更快的数据传输和图像/视频加载,和更大内存容量的增加速度。此外,该VM81x系列目前包括VM810C, 一张信用卡大小的发展模式,以协助开发和展示FT810芯片的功能。该模块作为一个SPI的从端,要求SPI主机进行适当的微控制器接口与系统集成。 两种型号可供选择:VM810C50A-D,配备一个预装5.0“ 800×480像素的TFT液晶显示屏和不带显示屏的VM810C50A-N。 请点击这里查看英文德文新闻稿。

FTDI发布完整的SuperSpeed USB3.0产品集

FTDI芯片很高兴地宣布FT60x 全面导入量产,先进的USB3.0到FIFO桥接低引脚数封装可供选择。此外,四个相应开发模块现已上市。 FT600和FT601是FTDI第一代USB3.0 可支持USB3.0到FIFO桥接功能的产品,提供高达3.2Gbps的数据突发速率。本着简单设计的理念,芯片是简单的连接和控制,而无需固件开发 - 只有“安装和忘记”。 UMFT60xA和UMFT60xX评估/开发模块系列中,所支持的HSMC/FMC(LPC)连接器已与FT60x接口设计结合。此系列可用于桥接FIFO总线连接到USB3.0主机和评估FT60x的功能。 作为子卡,UMFT60xx必须与FIFO主板具有FMC或HSMC连接器一起工作。 有4款模式提供不同的FIFO总线接口和数据位的宽度,他们的目的是插在大多数FPGA开发平台,提供的厂商如Altera(UMFT60xA)或Xilinx(UMFT60xX)。 请点击这里查看英文德文新闻稿。



特别优惠 - 直接购买任意的FT90x MIKROE编译器可获得免费FT900 MikroE Clicker 2板和免费的全球航运

FTDI Chip 已采取进一步措施,以帮助工程师实现利用其尖端的单片机技术更好的嵌入式系统。 与MikroElektronika (MikroE)协同工作,该公司现在提供具有开创性又符合成本效益的FT90x MCU系列开发包。 FT90x的Clicker 2板,该系列搭载了FT900 IC,是一款紧凑型开发套件有两个mikroBUS™插座与click™板连接。 再加上FT90x设备的全功能编译器,有三种可用的选择 - 基本,C或Pascal编译器。提出独家推出优惠, FTDI Chip为客户提供免费的MikroE Clicker 2板,价值$39.95,购买任何一种FT90x编译器许可证, 此外还提供免费送货到全世界! 请点击 此处取得新闻稿



FTDI Chip再添图形工具链软件包对现有EVE发售

FTDI Chip推出了EVE屏幕设计(Screen Designer,),内置嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)提供该产品更全面的支持。 适用于Windows操作系统(Windows 7和以上)的使用,这种先进的开发套件使创建复杂人机界面(HMI)变得非常 容易操作,经由EVE创新的面向对象(object-oriented)的方法,不需理解EVE内部的显示列表。 这意味着它更能够让图形设计师们关注在人机界面的外观和感觉。请点击 此处得新闻稿。

MikroElektronika 与 FTDI Chip 介绍和多方位的FT90X单片机开发平台

FTDI Chip 技术合作伙伴商mikroElektronika宣布了开发产品的一个完整的生态系统的发布, 支持FT90X系列的32位应用程序优化的微控制器单元(MCU)。通过这些产品,其中包括硬件和软件, 工程师将能够利用FT90X MCU的全部功能,开发更多启发性的嵌入式系统设计。请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。



FFTDI Chip 推出高分辨率EVE设备

FTDI Chip 备受推崇的嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)的先进人机界面(HMI)实施进一步得到 加强的一个新的集成电路 4个新的集成电路 - FT81xQ系列。这些新一代的EVE装置的屏幕分辨率从原先FT80x的512x512 像素增加到最高800x600像素,以便支持较大的屏幕(7寸及以上)可用于销售时点情报系统(point-of-sales units), 信息亭系统(information kiosks)等等。请点击 此处取得新闻稿。



FT4222H 编程模块开始发售

FTDI Chip很高兴地宣布推出FT4222H高速USB转四路SPI/I2C桥接芯片的 两种编程模块,UMFT4222PROG与UMFT4222PROG-IC模块。此外,安卓系统D2XX驱动程序和支持FT4222H的示例应用程序现在 也可提供。请点击 此处取得新闻稿。



FTDI 推出EVE平台支持电容式触摸的人机界面开发

FTDI 进一步扩大其屡获殊荣的嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)技术开发模块组合 - 这有助于彻底改变人机界面(HMI)的实现, 这归功于它的创新面向对象(object-oriented)方式。这些最新EVE平台是针对使用电容式触控智能显示系统和基于今年早些时候发布 的EVE FT801芯片上。请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。



FTDI推出先进的USB 3.0接口解决方案在低引脚数封装

FT600Q 和 FT601Q 是FTDI的第一代USB3.0产品其功能为USB3.0 SuperSpeed转FIFO的桥接芯片,提供高达3.2Gbps的数据速率。 FT600Q拥有56引脚QFN封装,有一个16位宽的FIFO总线接口,而FT601Q拥有76引脚QFN封装,并有一个32位宽的FIFO总线接口。 这两种芯片都支持多达8个端点(endpoint),除了用来管理的端点之外。 端点都被链接到一个可配置的端点缓冲区,其中16K字节的 缓冲区作输入(IN)和16K字节的缓冲区作输出(OUT)。请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。


FTDI 推出插入式板卡支持Arduino兼容的EVE开发板

继VM800P开发平台之后,便于实现更先进的人机界面(HMI),使用其创新的嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)技术, FTDI已经推出了一系列插入 式板卡(扩充卡)。 要了解更多信息,请点击 此处




总部位于贝尔格莱德开发工具链的供应商MikroElektronika与FTDI已经签署了正式协议,创建MikroC,MikroBasic和MikroPascal 为FT90X 32位单片机提供编译器。要了解更多信息,请点击 此处。  




FTDI 高兴地发布FT4222H,是一个与Hi-Speed USB至SPI/I2C桥接芯片。要了解更多信息,请点击 此处 查看新闻稿或 FT4222H 产品页面 有关详细信息,包括数据表和如何购买。



BEEA 和 Elektra 公布候选名单

从英国2014年优秀工程奖(BEEAs)入围名单中证实,FTDI有2类产品入围。因此该公司的设计团队年度表现令人钦羡。该公司的FT900 微处理机也在同年Electronic Product的奖项中极具潜力的竞争者,也在欧洲享有盛名Elektra的电子最佳设计团队类的奖项中获得 提名。 更多信息请访问: www.beeas.co.uk/shortlist


FTDI很高兴地宣布,与MCCI®公司合作,先进的USB驱动程序和嵌入式SoC固件开发,使TrueTask®USB也能够使用在FT900微处理机产 品家族的嵌入式USB主机设计。请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。


FTDI自豪地宣布显著地扩张它的显示器产品线,包括FT801,图形控制器加上电容式触摸的量产支持和一套新的EVE支持软件。 包括一个屏幕编辑工具(screen editor)和仿真程序库(emulator library)都是免费提供。期盼已久FT801已全面生产,产量也能符 合客户的需求。如同屡获殊荣的FT800,该芯片是基于嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)技术,提供所有相同的属性加上支持电容式触摸的优点, 以及多点触摸功能。此外,更多的支持也在EVE仿真程序库和屏幕编辑工具,目的是利用FTDI的面向对象(object oriented)嵌入式 视频引擎(EVE)技术提供工程师进一步的援助。完整的新闻稿可以下载自 此处




FTDI很高兴确认上海京西电子信息系统有限公司作为在中国新的分销合作伙伴。它会将FTDI的嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)图形控制器 和微控制器(MCU)立即在该地区上市,以及提供全面的技术支持。欲了解更多信息,请点击这里查看新闻稿,以 英文或以 中文




FTDI已更新了其目前,高度精致的USB驱动程序组合,包括选择性暂停(selective suspend)功能。修订后的驱动程序 已经通过微软的认证,并且可从FTDI的网站免费下载 此处


FTDI进一步扩大其产品支持范围,支持该公司屡获殊荣的嵌入式视频引擎工作(EVE)技术,藉由推出 一系列易于使用的 Arduino兼容开发平台。VM800P系列(其中P代表PLUS)是一个独特的产品,提供 工程师必须及更有效的人机界面(HMI)的一切-不仅包括显示、音频和触觉元件,也有数据处理方面的 能力。请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。




FTDI不断开拓新的领域,其创新的芯片解决方案可以显著的增加价值,如FT900的推出。这个32位微控制处理器(MCU)是该公司新的 面向应用的控制器产品线的两个初始设备之一,并可以作为高速桥接介面。请点击 此处取得新闻稿。


宣布其第二个突破性的面向应用控制器设备,进一步巩固了其进军MCU市场。拥有其完整的功能集,庞大的I/O 阵列和广泛的数据转换功能,这8位微控制器单元(MCU)结合了市场上性能最高又兼容8051的处理器内核。 在48 MHz的时钟速度运行,具有48 MIPS的处理能力(每指令1个时钟周期)。请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。


 藉由FT801的公告,FTDI扩展了屡获殊荣的EVE系列,电容式触摸功能的嵌入式视频引擎(EVE)产品。 FT801与EVE产品有着相同的要素,FT800支持显示,音频和触摸功能,通过I2C 接口提供电容性触摸。 FT801不仅汇集了EVE的功能,还增加亮度,互动性和生动性,让用户和开发者认同电容式触摸屏技术的优点。 请点击 此处 取得新闻稿。


December 2013

FTDI Shield Facilitates Exciting New Gaming Deployments through Arduino Platform

FTDI Chip has added to the array of hardware solutions it offers professional engineers and hobbyist working with the extremely prevalent Arduino open-source electronics development platform. The company’s FT121 G-Sensor shield focusses on the implementation of Arduino-based gaming systems, enabling such projects to be conceived and subsequently executed simply and rapidly through its USB human interface device (HID) class support.

Press release in English and Chinese


November 2013

Elektra Awards

2013 年 Elektra 奖于 11 月 27 日在伦敦 Grosvenor House 酒店举行,今年已是第十一届了。 该奖项旨在表彰整个欧洲电子行业的公司和个人所取得的成就。 FTDI Chip 有幸今年再次获得提名 - 创新的 FT800 嵌入式视频引擎 (EVE) 器件入围了备受瞩目的数字半导体产品类别的候选名单。 英文新闻稿

Digi-Key 在 BEEA 上颁发年度产品奖 FTDI 芯片

总部位于苏格兰格拉斯哥的无晶圆厂半导体供应商 FTDI Chip 荣获 2013 年英国工程卓越奖 (BEEA) 颁发的年度电子产品奖。 这一令人垂涎的奖项类别由 Digi-Key 赞助,总裁 Mark Larson 将奖项颁发给 FTDI 芯片副总裁 Graeme Cook, 以表彰该公司创新的 FT800 嵌入式视频引擎 (EVE) 设备。 英文新闻稿


4D Systems 宣布与 FTDI Chip 建立合作伙伴关系,开发出基于 FTDI Chip 的 FT800 嵌入式视频引擎 (EVE) 的高度先进的智能 SPI 显示产品。 新型 4DLCD-FT843 产品使系统设计人员能够快速创建高质量的人机界面 (HMI)。 它包括 4.3 英寸 TFT 显示屏(480 x 272 像素分辨率)、 PWM 音频输出(带放大器启用)、64 音和弦声音合成器、4 线电阻式触摸屏,全部集成在灵活的带状连接器上。 该产品的设计使其可以通过 SPI 接口轻松集成到当前系统中,其中 FT800 的作用类似于 SPI 外设。
英语, 中文, 德语, 法语, 韩语, 意大利语西班牙语新闻稿


October 2013

New Gameduino Hits the Market - Driven by FTDI Chip’s FT800 Graphic Controller Technology

FTDI Chip has confirmed that its ground-breaking FT800 Embedded Video Engine (EVE) is a key component in an exciting new Kickstarter project - the Gameduino2 game adaptor shield from Excamera. In 2011, the Kickstarter-funded Gameduino made major industry impact by successfully bringing vintage gaming to the popular Arduino platform. Now, with the introduction of Gameduino 2, users will be able to transform their Arduino units into modern handheld gaming systems that feature touch control, 3-axis accelerometers, headphone audio outputs and microSD data storage for game assets. In addition, they will benefit from the shield’s support of next generation graphics via its built-in 4.3-inch display.
Press release in English


September 2013

FTDI Introduces USB GPS Module

FTDI Chip continues to find innovative ways by which to employ its advanced USB technology into next generation electronic designs. Its latest product release, the FT-X-GPS, allows precision positioning data to be derived - so that a computing platform (such as a laptop, tablet, or embedded PC) to which it has been connected, via its USB port, can benefit from this precise data to enable location-based services and applications that continue to emerge as mobility increases.
Press release in English, Chinese and German


July 2013

Development Modules for Intelligent Display Systems Introduced by FTDI Chip

FTDI Chip has announced the release of the VM800C – a family of credit card sized (85.6mm x 54.1mm) development module, and the VM800B – an elegantly encased version of this module in a fitted, plastic bezel. The portfolio is comprised of 11 specific part types in total, all based on the company’s Embedded Video Engine (EVE) platform - which provides display, audio and touch.

Press Release in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Portugese and Italian

FTDI Introduces Multi-Chip Solution for Developing USB-to-RS232 Systems

USB solutions specialist FTDI Chip, through its highly acclaimed X-Chip series, has now added to its portfolio of semiconductor solutions for USB-to RS232 interfacing. FTDI Chip’s USB-DUO offering bundles together one of the company’s new high performance USB bridge controller ICs with its RS232 transceiver IC, in order to furnish engineers with a platform on which they can create their own USB-to-RS232 converter cabling systems - supporting speeds of up to 250 kbits/s. The company’s FT231XS provides the USB-to-UART conversion operation while the FT3243S transceiver provides the digital-toRS232 conversion, translating the 3.3 V level UART signal from the FT231XS to RS232 voltage levels.

Press Release in English or in Chinese.


May 2013

FTDI Chip Strengthens its Position in the Japanese Market through Arrow’s Chip One Stop Operations

FTDI Chip, has expanded its distribution agreement with Arrow Electronics, Inc. in order to gain greater supply chain traction in Japan. The Arrow company, Chip One Stop, will henceforth supply FTDI’s complete portfolio of USB interface products, plus its new EVE graphic controller products, to design engineers and purchasers in the region.

Press Release in English or in Japanese.


April 2013

FTDI Chip Introduces Compact, Android Open Accessory USB Host to UART Bridge

FTDI Chip are delighted to announce the second USB Host IC to their portfolio of Android Support. The FT312D is a full speed (12 Mbit/s), USB host to UART bridge IC, specifically designed to bridge the USB port to a UART interface via the Android Open Accessory protocol.

General product information and availability is available in the press release with detailed datasheets, programming guide, and development support documentation found in the Android section of the website.

Press Release in English or in Chinese.


February 2013

FTDI Chip Introduces New Smaller USB to UART Bridge IC

FTDI Chip has strengthened its portfolio of X- Chip series devices by adding the FT234XD; a 12 pin DFN, USB to UART integrated circuit. The DFN package is 3mm x 3mm with RXD, TXD RTS and CTS signaling.

General product information and availability is available in the press release with detailed datasheets, programming guide, and development support documentation found in the X-Chip section of the website.

Press Release

FTDI Chip Announces Free Java Driver for Android OS

FTDI Chip has expanded its portfolio of USB Android solutions with the release of the J2XX Java driver for USB peripheral implementations.

By utilising the J2XX driver and compiling it with the user’s application, the driver is automatically loaded onto the Android platform without any need for user intervention. The combination of this driver structure and FTDI’s world-class USB bridge chips provides system designers a quick and easy methodology to create a USB link between Android platforms and their end products.

Press Release in English or in Chinese


12月 2012

Electronica 2012

November 2012

FTDI Chip Introduces New Hi-Speed, 480 Mbps, USB Host Controller

FTDI Chip has strengthened its portfolio of USB semiconductor solutions, with the release of the FT313H Hi-Speed, host controller chip.

The FT313H specifications make it easy to implement into existing systems and bring USB connectivity to your products, no matter what market segment; industrial, networking, medical, or consumer. When you need to read a thumb drive, or add a high speed data-link for a module sub-system, or enable a wireless dongle port, it requires a USB host function to enable these operations. So check out the FT313H and see how FTDI Chip facilitates USB MADE EASY for a USB2.0 Hi-Speed Host function.

Press Release

October 2012

FTDI Chip Introduces New USB Controller Series, Optimising Designers' Implementation Choices – FT12

FTDI Chip is announcing the FT12 series of high performance USB controller IC’s. Operating at 12 Mbits/s and designed to the USB 2.0 specification, the new controllers support direct memory access (DMA) operation, while providing system interfaces for 8-bit parallel bus and SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Slave. The FT12 series is configurable as a standard device class, and as such there is no need to add USB drivers.

Composed of three members, and inspired by the industry standard D12, the FT12 series offers unique features, like battery charging detection, numerous interface options and optimised device footprints - allowing the designer to choose the best-fit chip.

Press Release

July 2012

FTDI Chip Release FT311D Android Host

FTDI Chip are proud to announce the release of the FT311D USB host dedicated to accessing Android Open Accessory Mode on Android platforms. This IC will enable designers to bridge an interface on their peripheral hardware to Android tablet or smart-phone platform over USB.

Press Release

June 2012

FTDI Chip announces USB Support for Raspberry Pi

FTDI Chip is announcing two products that connect to the Raspberry Pi (RPi) development system. The first, TTL-232R-RPi, is a USB-to-TTL Serial UART debug cable that enables a PC to connect the RPi header for improved debug capability.  The second product, RPI-HUB-MODULE,  is designed to connect to an RPi unit and expand the number of interfaces that can be accessed downstream from a host.

Press Release

May 2012

FTDI Chip and Arrow Electronics Announce World-Wide Distribution Partnership

This partnership extends the level of access and support for FTDI Chip products to a new level, as commented by Fred Dart, Founder and CEO.  “Arrow brings best-in-class engineering and support infrastructure, successful execution and global reach to the connectivity needs of the USB interface market. Arrow’s strength in design demand support, global supply chain and value-added services will be appreciated by existing and new FTDI Chip users. With the recent launch of our new X-Chip series of USB bridge interface chips, our teams can now engage the market to deliver the X-treme value proposition of these devices.”

Press Release

March 2012

FTDI Chip Unveils USB-to-RS232 Cabling Solution

FTDI Chip has expanded its portfolio of converter cabling solutions with the introduction of Chipi-X. Measuring a length of 10 cm, this is a USB-to-RS232 level full-handshake UART cable with a male DB9 connector. The DB9 provides the connectivity for RS232 communications and a USB-A plug deals with USB communications.

For more details please see the press release and link to datasheet.

FTDI Chip adds Ethernet-to-USB, MP3 audio codec & real-time clock functionality to Vinco platform  

Furthering market progression of the widely praised Vinco platform, FTDI Chip is delighted to announce the introduction of its new multi-function application board (shield). By combining the Vinco development platform, with targeted application support, such as MP3 audio codec, Ethernet-to-USB bridge and real-time clock (RTC), engineers can jump-start their development.

This latest shield offering incorporates a VLSI VS1053b codec for the decoding of various audio files (Ogg Vorbis, MP3, AAC, WMA, FLAC, WAV and MIDI), Ethernet connectivity, plus an RTC feature using NXP Semiconductors’ PCF32123 timing device.

For more details please see the press release and http://www.ftdichip.cn/Products/Modules/DevelopmentModules.htm

February 2012

FTDI Chip and Altium Collaborate on new board- level components

FTDI Chip is delighted to announce that Altium, developer of next-generation electronics design software and services, is making available the full range of board-level IC component solutions from FTDI on its electronics design software, Altium Designer, through the AltiumLive portal. Electronics designers using Altium Designer will now have direct access to new components that include a comprehensive range of FTDI Chip devices to meet their USB connectivity needs.

Press Release

FTDI Chip Introduce the X-Chip Series of Next Generation USB Interface ICs

FTDI Chip is delighted to announce the launch of its new X-Chip series. Made up of 13 devices, with an exception feature set, the X-Chip series offers full speed USB 2.0 bridging solutions to UART, SPI/FT1248, I2C and FIFO interfaces complementing the company’s existing R chip, and Hi-Speed solutions. “By specifying the X-Chip into their designs, engineers will reduce their overall bill of materials and optimise PCB real estate,” states Fred Dart, CEO and founder of FTDI. “With its comprehensive feature set, the benefits of lower power, smaller device footprint and NEW enhanced battery charger detection can all be realised, as well as the robust USB functionality that FTDI has always provided in its connectivity solutions”. In addition to the ICs, FTDI Chip has released a wide-selection of development modules, enabling instant access to the different functions for each chip type, and thus allowing for easy device evaluation and prototyping development.

For more details please see the press release and www.ftdichip.cn\FT-X.htm

January 2012

FTDI adds advanced user interface mechanism to Arduino-inspired Vinco platform

Dave Sroka, Global Product Director at FTDI Chip commented, “The new Touch Key shield demonstrates the Vinco platform’s ability to utilise the Android Open Accessory initiative, so that devices using the Android operating system, such as tablet PCs, can control items of external hardware through a human machine interface (HMI), over USB.”

The application note AN_196 gives an example of using the Vinco Touch Key Shield in an Android environment.

Press Release

December 2011

FTDI Chip expands Vinculum – II Precompiled Firmware and Source Code Offering

FTDI Chip has new additions to the portfolio of application – led ROM files

These files can be loaded directly into a VNC2 IC and utilised by its 16-bit microcontroller core in order to perform basic data transfer operations between common interfaces. Interface options include SPI, UART, USB host and USB device, with data operations such as mass storage, human interface devices, and communication device class.

Click here for full information on Precompiled ROM files.

Press Release

October 2011

New USB Hi-Speed to Digital Level Interface UART Cabling Solutions

FTDI Chip have added 2 new cables to its range of USB 2.0 Hi-Speed to Digital Level cables. The USB-UART cables provide a USB Hi-Speed interface to RS232 UART – at 3.3V signal levels. For more information please refer to the datasheet

Press Release

September 2011

Allied Electronics and Yosun Announced as Distributors

FTDI Chip is pleased to announce that Allied Electronics and Yosun are now distributors of our products. These new distribution partners will give engineers and procurement staff in North America (Allied) and Asia Pacific (Yosun) better access to FTDI’s chips, cables and development modules, for quick and cost effective implementation of USB enabled systems.

Press release Allied Electronics
Press Release Yosun

New Product Announcement: DB9 USB to Digital Modules

FTDI Chip has added a series of USB to digital level interface modules, in DB9 form factors, to its product portfolio. These modules all utilise FTDI’s FT232R USB to serial UART bridge chip, which is capable of supporting data rates of 12 Mbits/s (USB Full Speed). They allow for the quick and easy upgrading of pieces of hardware to today’s most widely used serial interface standard in a highly convenient and cost effective manner. Drivers for the modules are available to download direct from the FTDI website.

Press Release

August 2011

New USB to Digital Level Interface Cabling Solutions

Press image:     C232HM MPSSE Cable

April 2011

FTDI commits to supporting Android Open Accessories Initiative

Press image:     VNCLO-MB1A

March 2011

Single Channel Hi-Speed USB to UART/FIFO Interface IC for Next Generation Peripheral Design

(Click here for German version)

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press images:     FT232H     FT232H Block Diagram     UM232H

November 2010

FTDI unveils VINCO, a powerful development platform for embedded systems requiring USB 2.0 connectivity

(Click here for German version)

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press images:     VNCLO-MB1A     VNCLO-SHLD

New USB Hi-Speed Serial/Hub Module from FTDI brings higher level of connectivity to system designs

(Click here for German version)

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press image:     USB Hi-Speed Serial/Hub Module

September 2010

Powerful FPGA platform simplifies USB 2.0 integration, reduces LSI development time and supports sub-100ms hardware reconfiguration.

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press image:     Morph-IC-II

June 2010

FTDI offer enhanced range of USB 2.0 to serial UART converter cables.

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press image:     TTL-232RG

May 2010

FTDI launches USB 2.0 Module to Replace DB9 RS232 Connector on Legacy Boards.

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press image:     DB9-USB-RS232

April 2010

Vinculum-II VNC2 evaluation modules speeds up USB 2.0 Host/ Slave development

(Click here for German version)

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

Press images:     V2-EVAL     V2DIP1/V2DIP2

March 2010

Vinculum 2 - Programmable dual USB 2.0 host/slave SOC assists in lowering design component count and reduces costs.

(Click here for German version)

(Click here for Traditional Chinese version)

(Click here for Simplified Chinese version)

December 2009

FTDI’s USB 2.0 ICs, evaluation and legacy serial modules make Hi-Speed USB 2.0 development easy

June 2009

FTDI showcases USB 2.0 Hi-Speed devices and modules at National Electronics Week 2009 (Ref FTD0037)

March 2009

USB cables provide RS-422 and RS-485 interface support (Ref FTD0036)

(Click here for German version)

February 2009

USB module, USB-COM232-PLUS1, aids connectivity for RS232-based applications (Ref: FTD0034)

Compact evaluation modules ease integration and development of USB 2.0 High Speed interfaces (Ref: FTD0035)

November 2008

FTDI Electronica Press Pack

Single chip Hi-speed USB 2.0 solutions ease serial and (Ref: FTD0030)

FTDI extends operating temperature of Vinculum embedded USB host controller (Ref: FTD0031)

USB to RS232 converter cable aids interfacing to legacy applications (Ref: FTD0032)

May 2008

FTDI and Daito Electron present USB IC line-up at ESEC (Ref: FTD0023)

April 2008

FTDI first vendor to release Microsoft certified USB-UART driver for Windows Server 2008 (Ref: FTD0021)

USB Null Modem cable eases connectivity between PCs (Ref: FTD0022)

February 2008

Evaluation board provides complete development platform for Vinculum embedded USB host designs (Ref: FTD0020)

October 2007

FTDI strengthens distribution of USB connectivity semiconductor devices in Korea (Ref: FTD0016)

ActiveX control enables asymmetric cryptography on FTDI USB ICs (Ref: FTD0018)

September 2007

FTDI’s virtual COM port drivers gain Microsoft Windows Vista certification (Ref: FTD0014)

Parallax selects Vinculum embedded USB host controller for datalogger application (Ref: FTD0015)

FTDI appoints first Indian distributor (Ref: FTD0017)

August 2007

Future Technology Devices International signs Future Electronics as distribution partner for the Americas (Ref: FTD0012)

April 2007

Vinculum reference design allows rapid USB mass storage interface development (Ref: FTD0008)

Future Technology signs distribution agreement with Galaxy Far East Corporation (GFEC) Increases product availability across China and Taiwan (Ref: FTD0009)

March 2007

Compact USB evaluation module provides quick and simple integration into finished products (Ref: FTD0007)

February 2007

USB host controller module gives flash disk interface to industrial and commercial products (Ref: FTD0002)

FTDI USB silicon and software solutions now available through Mouser Electronics (Ref: FTD0003)

Parallax strengthens distribution agreement with FTDI Adds Vinculum USB host controller to product line-up (Ref: FTD0004)

FTDI expands North American operations (Ref: FTD0005)

Host powered eight channel USB data acquisition module aids rapid control and monitoring application deployment (Ref: FTD0006)

January 2007

Microcontroller USB flash drive interface design simplified by development platform (Ref: FTD0001)









© Future Technology Devices International Ltd.(飞特蒂亚)