D3XX for Linux -------------- libftd3xx is a Linux implementation of FTDI's D3XX Windows library. It allows applications to access and control the FT60x family of USB 3.0 devices: http://ftdichip.com/ft60x FTDI intends the APIs to behave the same on Windows and Linux, although this Linux version is currently at the beta stage, and some functions are not implemented (see below). FTDI does not release the source code for libftd3xx. libftd3xx includes an unmodified version of libusb (http://libusb.info) which is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (see libusb/COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses). Source code for libusb is included in this distribution. To build with libftd3xx, copy the shared-object from the package's build directory and create a symbolic link, e.g. cp release/build/libftd3xx.so. . ln -sf libftd3xx.so. libftd3xx.so gcc example.c -L. -lftd3xx -lpthread sudo ./a.out Note that sudo (or running as root) is required to get full access to USB. A simple example.c is included in the package, as are the required headers ftd3xx.h and WinTypes.h. Version history --------------- 0.1 Initial release for beta testing. Please report any problems, observations, questions or suggestions to support1@ftdichip.com. 0.2 Second release for beta testing. Please report any problems, observations, questions or suggestions to support1@ftdichip.com. 0.3 Third release for beta testing. Please report any problems, observations, questions or suggestions to support1@ftdichip.com. Features implemented: Write/ReadPipe: direct access to pipes. (Each write is limited to 10 kB.) Event notification: client callback is invoked to notify when at least one byte is available to read at a given endpoint. Streaming. Device enumeration functions. GPIO (not fully tested). Not yet stress-tested (e.g. low-memory, surprise disconnects).