Request for web site updates ---------------------------- Summary: Linux and Mac D2XX version 1.1.10 replaces version 1.1.0. Details: In /Drivers/D2XX.htm In the table titled "Currently Supported D2XX Drivers:" In the "Linux" row: 1. 'Release Date' cell becomes "2012-06-06" 2. 'x86 (32-bit)' cell becomes "1.1.10" and href becomes "D2XX/Linux/libftd2xx1.1.10.tar.gz" 3. 'x64 (64-bit)' cell becomes "1.1.10" and href becomes "D2XX/Linux/libftd2xx1.1.10.tar.gz" 4. 'ARM' cell becomes "1.1.10" and href becomes "D2XX/Linux/libftd2xx1.1.10.tar.gz" 5. 'Comments' cell stays as "ReadMe" but href becomes "D2XX/Linux/ReadMe-linux.txt" In the "Mac OS X" row: 1. 'Release Date' cell becomes "2012-06-06" 2. 'x86 (32-bit)' cell becomes "1.1.10" and href becomes "D2XX/MacOSX/D2XX1.1.10.dmg" 3. 'x64 (64-bit)' cell becomes "1.1.10" and href becomes "D2XX/MacOSX/D2XX1.1.10.dmg" 4. 'PPC' cell becomes "1.1.10" and href becomes "D2XX/MacOSX/D2XX1.1.10.dmg" 5. 'Comments' cell text unchanged but "ReadMe" href becomes "D2XX/MacOSX/ReadMe-mac.rtf" New files: copy X:\Scratch\D2XX-Linux-Mac\1-1-10-release-candidate\D2XX1.1.10.dmg %WEBHOST%\D2XX\MacOSX copy X:\Scratch\D2XX-Linux-Mac\1-1-10-release-candidate\ReadMe-mac.rtf %WEBHOST%\D2XX\MacOSX copy X:\Scratch\D2XX-Linux-Mac\1-1-10-release-candidate\libftd2xx1.1.10.tar.gz %WEBHOST%\D2XX\Linux copy X:\Scratch\D2XX-Linux-Mac\1-1-10-release-candidate\ReadMe-linux.txt %WEBHOST%\D2XX\Linux